The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples by Stephen CoveyYou may say it is just a typical self-help book. BUT to me it is the first and the most important book, it is still in my bookshelf. It is old…paper turned brown…It is still my favorite book. I brought the audiobook from
Audible of course, it is the top rated in my portable devices...
The Chinese name of this book is called “
I highly recommend everyone to read it or to listen. (download to your mp3 and play it when you taking bus...)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples by Stephen CoveyHabit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - First Things First
Habit 4 - Think Win Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand then be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the SawKey concepts that I want to share here are
1) Our character is a composite of our habits. Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value -- they are fundamental.
In our education system, I found….5 aspects of personal development, 德知體群美
教 育 統 籌 委 員 會 - 整 體 教 育 目 標 - 讓 每 個 人 在 德 、 智 、 體 、 群 、 美 各 方 面 都 有 全 面 而 具 個 性 的 發 展 , 使 其 一 生 能 不 斷 自 學 、 思 考 、 探 索 、 創 新 和 應 變 , 有 充 分 的 自 信 , 合 群 的 精 神 , 願 意 為 社 會 的 繁 榮 、 進 步 、 自 由 、 民 主 和 法 治 不 斷 努 力 , 為 國 家 和 世 界 的 前 途 作 出 貢 獻 。
教 育 目 標 首 要 達 致 的 重 點 是 培 養 學 生 樂 於 學 習 、 善 於 溝 通 、 勇 於 承 擔 、 敢 於 創 新 。
Do you still remember them? We should learn it start from Kindergarten...
2) Effectiveness lies in balancing our Production (P) with building Production Capacity (PC)….our language may be “Work Hard, Work Smart”
In Chinese, we have
工欲善其事,必先利其器 -- To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools. The tools here, are not necessary hardware tools, but the required skills for the person to build the Production Capacity.
3) We should develop ourselves from dependence to independence to interdependence. We can accomplish much more by cooperation and specialization. However, we must achieve independence before we can choose interdependence.
We, Chinese have same principle
「修身、齊家、治國、平天下」 -出於《禮記》的《大學》篇,「古之欲明明德於天下者,先治其國。欲治其國者,先齊其家。欲齊其家者,先修其身。」.
If you want conquer the World, you need to lead your country.
If you want to lead your country, you need to complete your family.
If you want to complete your family, you need to manage yourself .
Logic and flow of the book
Habits 1, 2 and 3 (Be Proactive, Begin with The End In Mind, Put First Things First) deal with self mastery. They are the "private victories" required for character growth. Private victories precede public victories.
Habits 4, 5 and 6 (Think Win Win, Seek First to Understand, Synergize) are the more personality-oriented "public victories" of Teamwork, Cooperation and Communication.
Habit 7 (Sharpen the saw) is the habit of Renewal, creating an upward spiral of growth.
haha... the blog remind me to learn the audiobook tonight...