Some of Google's product and feature announcements for November

November 1 - OpenSocial platform for social networking applications launched.
November 5 - Android mobile phone software platform plans unveiled.
November 9 - Google says it is testing ways to deliver ads in computer games.
November 23 - Google Maps expanded so users can make Wikipedia-style edits to correct location errors.
November 27 - Google creates renewable energy R&D group to develop electricity from sources cheaper than coal.
November 27 - Google Maps 2.0 for mobile phones released, allowing users to pinpoint their approximate location even if their phone does not include a GPS receiver.
November 27 - Dell says it will sell Google search devices to help companies find information on their networks.
November 30 - Google announces it will bid on the 700MHz radio spectrum in the US, which would allow it to build nation wide wireless network.

期货投资成功难 保持成功更难

5 Dec, 2007

  所以正如俗话说的:创业难,守业更难。投资市场也如此,上述所举的例子远不可能概括了保持成功的所有的经验和教训。“他山之石,可以攻玉。”对其他人特别是曾经获得成功者失败的原因分析是一堂有益的课程。尤其是在自身获得一些成功之后,切不可飘飘然,一定要小心谨慎,在没有离开投资市场之前,还不需要谈论最后的成功。(金元期货 冯伟民)







  Making of America(MOA)是研究美國從南北戰爭到重建時期社會、歷史、文化的極佳的網上資源,當然其收藏內容遠不止於此,歐洲各國的歷史以及著名作家的經典著作也非常之多,比如英國湖畔派詩人的全集、休謨的英國史(6卷本)、基佐的法國文明史(8卷本)等等,而且所有圖書皆為圖形格式或PDF格式,並且都是掃瞄輸入的,原汁原味。遺憾的是,出於版權保護的考慮,所收圖書的作者差不多都是已故距今至少70年以上的。其中很多書都有極高的收藏價值。遺憾之處是其PDF格式不能整本下載。




  Internet Archive也是一個不錯的在線書庫,其中的百萬書庫項目(Million Book


  Bartleby.com敢號稱自己是「Great Books Online」當然有其理由,因為光它的「哈佛經典叢書」就多達100卷,哪位讀者要是能將其讀完,我看成為大師級人物應該不成問題。此外還有很多極有價值的百科全書和詞典,比如哥倫比亞百科全書(第六版)、美國文化遺產詞典、名人名言詞典等,所有的辭彙還都帶發音,相當不錯。




















Understanding Volume & Open Interest in Commodity Futures

Technicians utilize a three dimensional approach to market analysis which includes a study of price, volume and open interest. Of these three, price is the most important. However, volume and open interest provide important secondary confirmation of the price action on a chart and often provide a lead indication of an impending change of trend. For beginning students of the market these two concepts tend to be somewhat confusing but are very important concepts to understand in- undertaking a thorough analysis of market action.

Volume represents the total amount of trading activity or contracts that have changed hands in a given commodity market for a single trading day. The greater the amount of trading during a market session the higher will be the trading volume. As mentioned earlier, a higher volume bar on the chart means that the trading activity was heavier for that day. Another way to look at this, is that the volume represents a measure of intensity or pressure behind a price trend. The greater the volume the more we can expect the existing trend to continue rather than reverse. Technicians believe that volume precedes price, meaning that the loss of upside price pressure in an uptrend or downside pressure in a downtrend will show up in the volume figures before presenting itself as a reversal in trend on the bar chart.

Open Interest is the total number of outstanding contracts that are held by market participants at the end of each day. Where volume measures the pressure or intensity behind a price trend, open interest measures the flow of money into the futures market. For each seller of a futures contract there must be a buyer of that contract. Thus a seller and a buyer combine to create only one contract. Therefore, to determine the total open interest for any given market we need only to know the totals from one side or the other, buyers or sellers, not the sum of both.

Each trade completed on the floor of a futures exchange has an impact upon the level of open interest for that day. For example, if both parties to the trade are initiating a new position ( one new buyer and one new seller), open interest will increase by one contract. If both traders are closing an existing or old position ( one old buyer and one old seller) open interest will decline by one contract. The third and final possibility is one old trader passing off his position to a new trader ( one old buyer sells to one new buyer). In this case the open interest will not change. By monitoring the changes in the open interest figures at the end of each trading day, some conclusions about the day activity can be drawn. Increasing open interest means that new money is flowing into the marketplace. The result will be that the present trend ( up, down or sideways) will continue. Declining open interest means that the market is liquidating and implies that the prevailing price trend is coming to an end. A knowledge of open interest can prove useful toward the end of major market moves. A levelling off of steadily increasing open interest following a sustained price advance is often an early warning of the end to an uptrending or bull market.

The relationship between the prevailing price trend, volume, and open interest can be summarized by the following table.

It is important to understand that the commodity price chart only records the data. In itself, it has little value. By monitoring the price trend, volume and open interest the technician is better able to gauge the buying or selling pressure behind market moves. This information can be used to confirm a price move or warn that a price move is not to be trusted. This will provide you with valuable information to develop a suitable pricing strategy and an appropriate production-marketing plan for your farming operation.

Organizing your week based on PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST


Long term organizing -
Mission statement -> Roles -> Goals

Weekly Organizing -
Roles -> Goals -> Schedule and Delegate

Blank form

Form in (PDF file), in (Excel file)

First book that change me...The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples by Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples by Stephen Covey

You may say it is just a typical self-help book. BUT to me it is the first and the most important book, it is still in my bookshelf. It is old…paper turned brown…It is still my favorite book. I brought the audiobook from Audible of course, it is the top rated in my portable devices...
The Chinese name of this book is called “與成功有約”.
I highly recommend everyone to read it or to listen. (download to your mp3 and play it when you taking bus...)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peoples by Stephen Covey
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - First Things First
Habit 4 - Think Win Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand then be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw

Key concepts that I want to share here are
1) Our character is a composite of our habits. Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value -- they are fundamental.

In our education system, I found….5 aspects of personal development, 德知體群美
教 育 統 籌 委 員 會 - 整 體 教 育 目 標
- 讓 每 個 人 在 德 、 智 、 體 、 群 、 美 各 方 面 都 有 全 面 而 具 個 性 的 發 展 , 使 其 一 生 能 不 斷 自 學 、 思 考 、 探 索 、 創 新 和 應 變 , 有 充 分 的 自 信 , 合 群 的 精 神 , 願 意 為 社 會 的 繁 榮 、 進 步 、 自 由 、 民 主 和 法 治 不 斷 努 力 , 為 國 家 和 世 界 的 前 途 作 出 貢 獻 。
教 育 目 標 首 要 達 致 的 重 點 是 培 養 學 生 樂 於 學 習 、 善 於 溝 通 、 勇 於 承 擔 、 敢 於 創 新 。
Do you still remember them? We should learn it start from Kindergarten...

2) Effectiveness lies in balancing our Production (P) with building Production Capacity (PC)….our language may be “Work Hard, Work Smart”
In Chinese, we have 工欲善其事,必先利其器 -- To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools. The tools here, are not necessary hardware tools, but the required skills for the person to build the Production Capacity.

3) We should develop ourselves from dependence to independence to interdependence. We can accomplish much more by cooperation and specialization. However, we must achieve independence before we can choose interdependence.
We, Chinese have same principle
「修身、齊家、治國、平天下」 -出於《禮記》的《大學》篇,「古之欲明明德於天下者,先治其國。欲治其國者,先齊其家。欲齊其家者,先修其身。」.
If you want conquer the World, you need to lead your country.
If you want to lead your country, you need to complete your family.
If you want to complete your family, you need to manage yourself .

Logic and flow of the book
Habits 1, 2 and 3 (Be Proactive, Begin with The End In Mind, Put First Things First) deal with self mastery. They are the "private victories" required for character growth. Private victories precede public victories.
Habits 4, 5 and 6 (Think Win Win, Seek First to Understand, Synergize) are the more personality-oriented "public victories" of Teamwork, Cooperation and Communication.
Habit 7 (Sharpen the saw) is the habit of Renewal, creating an upward spiral of growth.

haha... the blog remind me to learn the audiobook tonight...

1st day to blog

Hi All,

It is my first day to blog. After read serveral books, visited some others blog / sites. I decided to wait no more. Just do it and go blog.

Heard some said that they learnt as they shared. Learning is always my hobby. Visiting bookshops is my route job during lunch time.

So, why and what this blog is about...Learning...Comments are welcome.

But ...then who am I ?

  1. I'm Chinese in Hong Kong. -> I can speak English and Mandarin but I'm still learning them.
  2. I trade stocks, funds, commodities. -> I learn how to trade, e.g. fundatmental analysis and technical analysis, trading psychology.
  3. I'm a Salesperson.-> I learn selling skill, communication skill, presentation skill, marketing, writing etc.
  4. I'm in mobile software area. -> I need to learn the mobile technology, market trends.
  5. I travel a lot for business. -> I learn different cultures and people.
  6. I own a small business. -> I have to learn all management and business skills.
  7. Finally, I am a learner. -> I learn how to learn.

Last but not least, I enjoy learning. I want to share with you.


Eager Learner (15-Oct, 2007)