Jeff Gothelf 's presentation about "Culture of Innovation"

I believe innovation do come from the people and the team and the culture that facilitate it.
In the current uncertain, fast changing world, organizations all over the world crave for innovation however, it cannot be achieved by slogan, bureaucracy or me-too strategies. It involves changing people's mindset, believe and company culture.

Tangible well-defined product production => continuous, never-ending, on-going development and improvement cycle.

The Questions
What is this continues means for business, How it change our ongoing conversation with customers?
What we take advantage of the new information? Qualitatively or quantitatively
How we maximize the creativity, the learning and productivity of our team

Questions about team creation
1) Anatomy of the team

Anti-patterns (not to do)
- silos, service provider, no view of "whole", no collaboration
>> small team, co-location, dedicated,  self-sufficient(coding, QA, design etc...)

2) How do we task the team?

Anti-pattens (not to do)
- road map(fixed scope, fixed time, etc.) should list of questions not list of features

3) How should the team work?

Culture of innovation => culture of experimentation, encourage learning/try new things

- Small team 6 - 8, self-organized team
- Mix talents who assign work depend on individual capability not fixed role
- No roadmap -> no fixed deadline -> no fixed features
- Roadmap or plan are defined by a set of question to be answer
- Not rewards by features implemented but learning objectives
- No fixed yearly budget, but quarter learning goals to be presented to company and asked for endorsement.